ELMO... Children everywhere love him, his soft red fur caressing your skin. His cute little voice, the way his beady eyes peer into your soul. He knows where you live! I think that Elmo is the scariest puppet...ever! Not only am I scared of Elmo but I am scared of every doll ever made. I have Pediophobia. Dolls are terrifying...
Dolls make my skin crawl. WHO IN GODS NAME DECIDED TO INVENT THIS HORRIBLE CREATURE!? What insane person creates a fake person, that's one step behind FRANKENSTEIN! Do you ever have the feeling that your favourite childhood doll has been watching you and recording your every move with tiny cameras in their eyes? I have. This thought may be really outrageous but it could happen. Like in the movie Coraline, in that movie there is a doll that comes to life, and takes Coraline into an imaginary world. I am scared that that is going to one day happen to me.
One of my best friends collects china dolls. And when I sleepover at her house I'll be sitting in her room just staring at the dolls and them staring back, as I move their eyes follow me like metal follows magnets. She has ones with red dresses and blue eyes and ones with black dresses with black ribbons in their hair. When I sleep in that room it's like a horror movie, where they are all staring down with crazy, creepy, violin music. That's what goes through my head.
I think that my imagination is too big. I make totally unreal, and could never happen things scare me to the point that I am terrified my an inanimate object. So my life lesson is to not be afraid of inanimate objects because nothing can really happen to you.
But still take this as a warning
Don't trust ELMO!