Woman in Muslim countries have to wear burqas, it is probably is very stuffy under the material, that only gives you about a 3 inch whole for you to see out of. Can you imagine wearing something like a burqa in the heat of Afghanistan. I think that I would faint from the heat. Woman have to still finish their everyday chores in their burqas. Something as easy as walking up stairs would be difficult because you would keep tripping over the fabric.
When you think about how the woman have to dress in Muslim countries we take it for granted that we can wear our shorts or our bikinis with out getting beaten or taken to jail. The woman are wearing burqas that goes down passed their ankles and here at SJK girls are getting mad when our teachers tell us our kilts are too short. We are lucky here in Canada that girls and woman have the same rights as men. Could you imagine a life where all the women in Canada had to cover themselves from head to toe? I couldn't.
If I had to wear a burka I think that I would get frustrated with it. I would probably keep tripping. If girls were forced to wear burkas in Canada I think that I would want to move to a different place because I don't think it's fair for there to be discrimination against a certain gender. If every Taliban soldier had to live a day like the women did I think the would stop making the them wear burqas.
I was researching on google, that some women like the burqas, I don't think I would. Some women like them because it is a part of their religion, but they still believe that the should not have to wear the burqas all the time. I think that I would hate the burqa and that I would get rid of it the first opportunity I had. But I guess it's all based on opinion. When I see the women wearing the burqas, it makes me think just how strong some women are. They just wont give up!
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