They just scored again. The game is tied, 3-3. 5 minutes left in the game, my hair is glued to my head with sweat. My breathing gets deeper and heavier. Someone trips me and I hear Ms Weldon yell "Hannah get up, get up" I turn to see the other teams forward lunging for the ball. A thought runs through my head "get the ball Hannah."...
Soccer is one of my new favourite sports, this season is the first time I've ever played it. My favourite position is stopper and right forward. What's your favourite? My favourite part of soccer is the rush you get as you run down the field with the ball. Our team is really big we have over 20 people on our team. Saski and Emma are our goalies, they are both really good. Lyndsey, Hayley, Georgia, and Josie and I are defence. They all have their own skills like lyndsey is a really good kicker and Georgia is really quick on her feet. Saski is small but, boy can she ever save a goal. We have a strong team.
Soccer is much like my other favourite sport, field hockey, the set up is kinda the same and the rules are pretty much the same but the only big difference is that in field hockey you can't let the ball touch your feet and in soccer it's the opposite. In field hockey I play defence as well. I like playing defence better in soccer though, because you get more playing time.
I think that soccer is a great and fun way to stay fit and active. When I run down the field with the ball I get a feeling that adrenaline is trying to creep it's way out of the inside of my stomach. Reflecting everything I've learned about soccer in the past couple weeks, I think that our team has learned a lot and will keep learning.
I got up out of the grass and ran for the ball, I got it I dribbled it, past to Kate she got past 3 defence players and passed to Emilie, she scored!!!! "TWEET" the reff blew the whistle, all the sjk players run to high five Emilie. We won and everyone is happy!
Soccer is one of the things I do because I like it. I love how it makes me feel and I love how I have great team and I love this new found passion of mine! What's yours?
My life lesson is to find something you love to do and to do it for yourself and for no one else.
I commented on laurel's post, A is for Alone.
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